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Have you always wanted to work with dogs? Or maybe you already work with dogs and want to improve your handling skills. Or perhaps you just want to learn more about dog behavior, how the environment affects dogs, and to understand the complexities of our relationships with dogs.


Whatever you need to learn about working with dogs, we can teach you! Our natural, common-sense approach to training will give you the real-life knowledge and skills you need to understand dog behavior and to work with dogs confidently and effectively. With our unique Train the Trainer program, we'll teach you everything you need to know about working with dogs (not just the basic stuff that most trainers teach like sit, stay, down, come, heel). We'll teach you all about dog behavior—how to read body language and how to predict dogs' behavior, understanding pack dynamics and how dogs (and people) affect each other—and we'll also train you how to work with clients and how to teach them to be awesome owners for their dogs. Best of all, you'll accompany our expert trainers on ACTUAL training sessions with ACTUAL clients.


Compare us to other companies' Train the Trainers programs:

  • COST — Others charge THOUSANDS of dollars just to get started. We charge by the hour, so you can learn as much or as little as you like.

  • COMPREHENSIVE — Other companies only teach how to work with dogs. We teach how to work with dogs AND their owners. After all, it's the relationship between the owner and the dog that needs the work.

  • CUSTOMIZED — Whether you're a novice with dogs and want to learn everything about dogs, or you have some skills and just want to fill in some gaps in your knowledge, we can help! Want to learn just one aspect of training dogs? We can teach you that! If you just need to improve your leash-handling skills, we can help you with just that! Do you just want to learn how to work with aggressive dogs? We can teach you that! Do you want to get better at evaluating new dogs? We can show you that! And perhaps most important of all: If you want to learn how to work with difficult clients, we can teach you that, too. Want to learn it ALL? No problem—we've got you covered.

Our Train the Trainer program is ideal for:

  • Dog Trainers

  • Dog Walkers

  • Dog Sitters

  • Kennel Managers

  • Dog Daycare Attendants

  • Animal Shelter Staff

  • Dog Rescue Foster Parents & Volunteers

  • Rover freelancers

​Call us for pricing and complete details

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To learn more about this service and how we can help you, call us directly at (703) 489-1319.

All materials and content are the property of Good Dog Workshop, LLC © 2025

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